Friday, November 30, 2012

Truly Dutch

I can't believe that I only have 3 weeks left in Amsterdam. Time has flown by faster than I ever could have imagined! I've grown to LOVE my little life here, and I'm actually a little nervous to go home to the US. I've become so comfortable here. Amsterdam is my home now. I feel truly Dutch!

Here are 10 reasons that explain how I'm on my way to becoming a real-life Amsterdamian:

1. I always order beer with dinner because it's cheaper than a glass of water.

2. My heaviest coat from home now feels like a light summer sweater compared to the fur-lined coat I wear here.

3. I crave cheese. Lot's of it.

4. I'm no longer surprised that when I order a coffee it will only provide me with three sips of liquid. No venti iced coffees over here, no sir.

5. I find myself huffing and puffing and rolling my eyes with the rest of the locals every time I get stuck behind tourists while riding my bike. They're just so slow! Ding ding ding. Get out of my way please.

6. It doesn't shock me at all when I see cats EVERYWHERE. In bars, in restaurants, in my backyard, in windows, eating from my dinner plate.... Cats rule this city.

7. A glass of wine...or two...with lunch seems completely normal.

8. My hair smells SO strongly of cigarette smoke every time I wake up after being in bar or club the night before.

9. All my colorful or bright items of clothing have been sitting untouched in my closet for the past 3 months. In Amsterdam it's black, black, maybe a little grey here and there, and more black.

10. I find myself cheering and fist pumping with the rest of the locals when a Dutch song is played in a bar or club. I still have no idea what the words in the songs mean, but I like them.

Cat in a bar!

The only size coffee available. I usually want

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